Integrated Pest Management Update – May 19, 2019

University of California
Sacramento Valley Integrated Pest Management Update

May 19, 2019

Disclaimer: These updates are provided as reference information for Sacramento Valley orchard pest and natural enemy activity. They are not intended to replace or supersede site-specific data on pest activity, abundance, and environmental conditions in your orchard. For optimal pest management decision support and treatment efficacy, use data and observations specific to your particular orchard.

See below tables and graphs for specific monitoring methods and additional details.

Tehama County historical biofixes (2011-2019) shown in table at bottom of page.



2019 Codling Moth Trap Data - Tehama Co. Walnut

Codling moth trap data – Tehama County ‘Vina’ walnut. n = 2 traps. Updated May 13, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

2019 NOW Trap Data - Tehama Co. Walnut

Navel orangeworm trap data – Tehama County ‘Vina’ walnut. n = 2 pheromone traps; n = 3 female traps. Updated May 13, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

2019 NOW Trap Data - Tehama Co. Almond.

Navel orangeworm trap data – Tehama County almond. n = 4 pheromone traps; n = 12 female traps, n = 12 egg traps. Updated May 17, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

2019 Sixspotted Thrips Trap Data - Tehama Co. Almond

Sixspotted thrips trap data – Tehama County almond. n = 4 small yellow sticky card (YSC) traps; n = 4 large YSC traps. Updated May 17, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

2019 Spider mite & Predator Leaf Count Data - Tehama Co. Almond

Spider mite and predator leaf count data – Tehama County almond. n = 300 leaves (25 trees). Predator-to-spider mite ratio based on presence-absence samples (ratio = % leaves with any predators to % leaves with any spider mites). Updated May 17, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

2019 NOW Trap Data - Colusa Co. Almond

Navel orangeworm trap data – Colusa County almond. n = 2 pheromone traps; n = 12 egg traps. Updated May 17, 2019. (Click to enlarge)

Additional pest management information is available at the UC IPM website, including a day degree calculator that can be tailored to your specific orchard location.

Codling moth in Tehama County walnuts are monitored using delta traps baited with Trécé Pherocon® CM-DA COMBO lures.

NOW egg traps (Suterra or Trécé) are baited with Trécé Pherocon® NOW almond meal.*

Navel orangeworm (NOW) adult males are monitoring using delta or wing traps baited with pheromone lures (Suterra NOW Biolure® or Trécé Pherocon® NOW L2).*

Navel orangeworm (NOW) adult females are monitoring using delta or wing traps baited with ground pistachio and almond culls (Peterson Trap Company).*

*Note that established phenology (degree-day) models for NOW are based on egg trap data only at this time. Research is ongoing to determine best uses of adult MALE and FEMALE trap biofixes and activity.

Oriental fruit moth (OFM), Peach twig borer (PTB), and Obliquebanded leafroller (OBLR) are monitored using wing or delta traps baited with Suterra pheromone lures. San Jose scale is monitored using white sticky card traps baited with Suterra pheromone lures.

Traps for sixspotted thrips are non-baited yellow sticky panel traps (Great Lakes IPM) (small = 5-in X 3-in; large = 10-in X 6-in).

Leaf sampling for spider mites and natural enemies is according to established UC IPM presence-absence leaf sampling guidelines. N = 300 leaves from 25 trees (5 sample locations of 5 trees per monitoring site).


We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the California Walnut Board and the Almond Board of California.

Mention of any pesticides, agrichemicals, and related pest management products is for educational purposes only and do not constitute recommendation or endorsement by the authors or the University of California.


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