Cultivars & Rootstocks
- Carbohydrates, dormancy, and yield in pistachios
- Get those Gophers!
- Options for Gopher Management
- Pistachio Nitrogen Nutrition: What do we know and how do we manage?
- Pocket Gopher and Ground Squirrel Management
- Pocket Gopher Management
- Roller Crimping – A Cover Crop Termination Option
- Step by Step Gopher Control
Insects & Mites
- 2021 Pistachio Irrigation: Drought Mitigation Strategies
- 2021 Pistachio Irrigation: Mitigation Strategies for Drought
- Soil Moisture Sensor Selection is Confusing
- Using a Pressure Chamber is Worthwhile
Weed Control
- 2025 Herbicide Registration on California Tree and Vine Crops
- Building an Effective Orchard Weed Management Program
- Increase Your Return on Investment with Post-Harvest Weed Scouting
- New EPA Paraquat Restrictions
- Pre- and Post-Herbicide Performance on Threespike Goosegrass
- Weed Management Tools
- Young Orchard Weed Management