Carpophilus Beetle: What We Know

UC IPM held an online webinar on July 9, 2024 featuring the UC IPM team and folks from the Australian Almond Board to share what they know about the new pest to CA, available for download:  Carpophilus Beetle Webinar Recording


Excerpt from the article “Carpophilus Beetle: What We Know” by David Doll and Zubair Shahzad on the Almond Doctor website.

Carpophilus beetle (Carpophilus truncatus) is a small insect that causes severe damage to almond kernels. The insect overwinters within the soil, and emerges infesting the almonds at hullsplit. They are quite mobile and able to fly up to 3 miles/5km to find a suitable host. Humid conditions increase the emergence and rate of development, leading to multiple generations within a season. More on Carpophilus beetle can be found here.

Carpophilus truncatus, photo by Udo Schmidt. Beetle size is approximately 2.5mm. This pest can cause significant damage to almond and pistachio kernels, affecting almonds at hullsplit.

Carpophilus truncatus, photo by Udo Schmidt. Beetle size is approximately 2.5mm. This pest can cause significant damage to almond and pistachio kernels. Image Source Udo Schmidt on

View the entire article on The Almond Doctor website.


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