Author Archives: Franz Niederholzer

Orchard Sanitation is Key to a Quality Crop

Navel orangeworm (NOW) is the key pest of almonds, causing more income loss due to reject nuts than any other pest. Pesticide sprays, alone, cannot control this pest. A combination of several specific practices has been proven to reduce NOW damage and limit loss of grower income. The first of these practices on the orchard calendar is sanitation. Continue reading

Cytospora: A Prune Grower’s Archnemesis

Cytospora canker can severely limit prune production; reducing grower income and potentially lead to early orchard removal due to scaffold and/or tree loss. This bark disease is not new to prune orchards in California, but in recent years there has been a dramatic increase in this disease in some orchards. All prune growers and PCAs should know its symptoms and management strategies. Continue reading

Hull split Hull Rot Management

Infections by Rhizopus stolonifera and Aspergillus niger occur after hull split because these are wound pathogens that require an opening to enter and infect the hull. The best, current approach to managing Rhizopus hull rot management includes three parts. The first two steps help to manage the environment, with respect to the disease triangle, while the latter seeks to control the pathogen. Continue reading

Hull Split Timing and Sprayer Practices for Best Pest Control Results

If you wait too long to put on the first hull split spray, it doesn’t matter if it’s done by air, ground or robot, what’s in the tank, how slow you drive or what spray volume you use – you are too late to get the best control possible and it will cost you in both lost crop and quality incentives. Once you get the timing right, you have to get excellent coverage when you spray or you will not get the best control possible and the best net return. Continue reading