Author Archives: Sacramento Valley Orchards

Ethephon for Earlier Harvest

Ethephon, also known as Ethrel®, is an ethylene-based plant growth regulator applied at walnut maturity, or shortly thereafter, which accelerates hull cracking and separation from the shell. This advances walnut harvest by four to seven days, depending on the season and variety, and nut value is increased by lighter kernel color and possibly less insect damage. Continue reading

Wet years can lead to aerial Phytophthora outbreaks in almond orchards

Pytophthora was detected as early as mid-February in Fresno County and reported statewide by the early summer of 2023. Almond growers should be prepared to respond to strengthening El Niño conditions and the possibility of a recurring outbreak of aerial Phytophthora. Read for insights about the disease symptoms, the pathogen biology, as well as some management guidelines for this relatively rare but serious disease of almond. Continue reading

New UC ANR Website for Cover Cropping Information Resources

A new website features brand new cover cropping information resources and a searchable Expert Grower database for cover cropping practices in California orchards and vineyards. These resources provide detailed information on practical strategies for implementing cover crops and addressing common challenges. Continue reading

Update on Regional Almond Variety Trials – results through 2022

With funding provided by the Almond Board of California, through assessments paid by almond growers, the University of California has conducted regional field trials in the major almond growing areas of the Central Valley for over 50 years. Read more for an update on Regional Almond Variety Trials Continue reading